
It's alive!

January 02, 2019  |  Comments

This is my first post on my new blog!

The site is built with Gatsby.js which is powered by React JS and GraphQL. It has offline support thanks to a Service Worker! And for a superfast first load it also is using HTTP/2 (H2), I thought it was interesting that when pulling from the Service Worker cache it uses HTTP/1.1 as the protocol, so to test I needed to flush the Service Worker cache!

I built this during day 1 of the Ultra Working Marathon!

The source code is at https://gitlab.com/elijahlynn/www.elijahlynn.net

I originally had it hosted on Surge but had issues with https and service worker registration and moved it to Netlify and setup autodeploy from GitLab!

More to come!

Tags: gatsbyjs http2 reactjs pwa